Patriot Leaders Fight Domestic Terrorism Bill Despite Backlash from Dems

Republicans are fighting to stop domestic terrorism. They believe it’s a threat to the safety of Americans, and it’s something that needs to be stopped. They are working tirelessly to find ways to prevent these acts of violence from happening.

However, the dems seem to think that Republicans are nothing more than domestic terrorists. They couldn’t be more wrong!

Republicans are the party of law and order. We believe in personal responsibility, hard work, and self-reliance. We are patriots who love our country and want what’s best for her. The twisted liberals have lost touch with what it means to be an American.

We’ll never give up the fight against domestic terrorism, even if the media tries to make us look bad. Our fellow patriots will keep fighting for what’s right, no matter how hard it gets. Because in the end, we know that justice will prevail.

Conservatives Fight Domestic Terrorism

A few months ago, Republicans attempted to prevent legislation establishing domestic terrorism offices across the country. 

Sen. Marco Rubio shared his thoughts about the matter. He said, “The problem we have is that we have a bunch of people who define anyone they disagree with as terrorists, as extremists.”

Then he added,  “We’ve reached a point in America where the term ‘extremist’ is applied too liberally to people, that there’s deep concern about how these entities will be used … that’s the concern that people have.”

Despite the effort of our patriot leaders, the mainstream media and the dems make us look like the bad guys…

Dems Think that GOP are Domestic Terrorists

DNC and DCCC adviser Kurt Bardella shared his hate for our patriots during an interview on MSNBC. He compared the GOP to a domestic terrorist cell.

Bardella first attacked our stand on abortion. “You can’t be pro-cop and pro-coup at the same time, and that’s exactly what they are. They walk around and masquerade with this term ‘pro-life.’”

Then he defended the dem’s unnecessary climate change package, “They say they are pro-life. [Yet, they] voted against the biggest climate change package we’ve ever had in our country’s history… which preserves life. They put law enforcement and their lives; their families’ lives in jeopardy.”

In reality, the dem’s climate package only worsens the inflation in our country…

Bardella also made us look like hypocrites. He said, “We see them say one thing and do another. They are not concerned with life. They are just concerned with trying to score cheap political points. They are concerned with trying to ‘own the libs.’ And they don’t care what wreckage is left in their wake.” 

Then the demo-rat added, “They are a destructive force in American politics. They are a domestic terrorist cell operating in America. Their goal is to end democracy.”

Republicans’ goal is not “to end democracy.” It’s to reestablish the Federal government of limited and express powers that was envisioned by the people who wrote and ratified the constitution.

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